Postfach 1710
Starnberg Germany 82307
Biographical Sketch:
- Arno A. Evers is the owner of the company “Arno A. Evers FAIR-PR”. He is the founder of the Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells at the annual commercial trade show HANNOVER FAIR since 1995. This Group Exhibit - Hydrogen + Fuel Cells has grown each year to become the now largest and most international event, serving the worldwide H2/FC community from academia, associations, media, industry and politics.
- After twelve successful years creating the Group Exhibits on Hydrogen + Fuel Cells at the HANNOVER FAIR, Arno gave his “ownership” to the Deutsche Messe AG, who is the vendor of the worldwide biggest fairground.
- Now Arno A. Evers continues his business by promoting the annual Group Exhibit H2/FC and by explaining highly complex issues in the commercialization of the emerging hydrogen and fuel cell industry at leading international trade fairs and conferences.