Mark Williams

University of Utah
Morgantown, WV
USA 26501

Biographical Sketch: Mark C. Williams received his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering in 1985 from the University of California at Berkeley. Dr. Williams is the author of over two hundred papers and articles in various peer-reviewed technical journals, society proceedings, book chapters, encyclopedia chapters, and other publications and the editor of eight fuel-cell related books. Along with Dr. Alan Lloyd, the California Environmental Protection Agency Secretary, he received the inaugural U.S. Fuel Cell Council’s Pathfinder Award in 2003 for "eighteen years of dedicated leadership to the fuel cell industry". In 2005 he was elected Fellow of The Electrochemical Society, cited “for sustained, internationally recognized contributions to and promotion of electrochemical energy conversion technologies, especially fuel cells”. Dr. Williams serves on the Board of Directors of the Fuel Cell Seminar and on the Boards of Advisers of other energy and fuel cell-related entities.